La Cañadilla
Things to see on
La Cañadilla
La Cañadilla is a small town located at an altitude of 1220 metres on the road from Aliaga to Ejulve. Its population has gradually declined with the passing of time and today it has only 4 inhabitants compared to the 25 children who used to go to school there in the 50’s.
The hermitage church of San José is one of its main buildings. A pilgrimage takes place there on Easter Sunday in which the local people of Cirugeda also take part.
On the outskirts of the town we come across a spring with a washing area known as the Fuente del Camino; a unique pine tree, the Pino de Cobatillas, which is 45 minutes further on in the direction of Cirugeda, and the Cruz de los Helados commemorating the tragic death of three townspeople during the winter of 1941. They froze to death after getting lost in a windstorm.